Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Privacy Risks in the Digital Age - 1271 Words
Privacy in Digital Age The Risk of Digital Age Indeed, the Digital age has been considered as one of the greatest development of the world today. It has brought different benefits to the lives of people and catered all their needs and wants. As the world gets into crave for things that are â€Å"quick and easy†, the Digital Age had posed threat to people’s privacy and security (Meeks, 2000). The advancement in new technologies and gadgets should not only be considered as something good that came into people’s lives but also danger in the privacy of their personal information. Loss of privacy is the most inevitable risk that these technologies have brought to mankind. Every now and then, as people post in their status in Facebook, twit things†¦show more content†¦People should all give up their privacy equally (Meeks, 2000). Even those who are in high authorities should be transparent about this. If the Police have the right to put surveillance to the public, then the public should also have the same right over these authorities (Meeks, 2000). In that case, government officials and high authorities would be obliged to respect such right for everybody. Privacy then would gain its ultimate protection. How? A very simple question would probably answer it. Whose government official, high authorities or rich people would agree on putting their lives in the eyes of the public? None. It would actually trigger not to enact such surveillance to everybody resulting to protection of information privacy of all. Equality and transparency will address the problem of loss of privacy. If somebody wants you to share your information or get your personal d ata, a fair condition is a good idea to make (Meeks, 2000). He/she should do the same thing which he wanted you to do. In such way, it would be fair that both parties have agreed to share information intentionally. The deal would just be a â€Å"give and take†relationship. One should give, to gain something. The main purpose of the idea would be to avoid anyone to get private information from you as they would not agree to share theirs with you. Is it possible to redefine Privacy? It would actually be impossible to redefine privacy today. Privacy is simple as â€Å"it’s PRIVATE†. How would it beShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing The Risks That The Online Customers Go Through Online Shopping1051 Words  | 5 Pagespaper is to analyze the risks that the online customers go through online shopping and how they depend on the category of the product. Basically, the product category is differentiated to be two kinds of products- digital and non-digital. Based on previous researches, different researchers consider the perceived risks to be either unidimensional or multifaceted. In this paper, the multifaceted perceived risks [Bauer 1960] are considered. 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