Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Privacy Risks in the Digital Age - 1271 Words
Privacy in Digital Age The Risk of Digital Age Indeed, the Digital age has been considered as one of the greatest development of the world today. It has brought different benefits to the lives of people and catered all their needs and wants. As the world gets into crave for things that are â€Å"quick and easy†, the Digital Age had posed threat to people’s privacy and security (Meeks, 2000). The advancement in new technologies and gadgets should not only be considered as something good that came into people’s lives but also danger in the privacy of their personal information. Loss of privacy is the most inevitable risk that these technologies have brought to mankind. Every now and then, as people post in their status in Facebook, twit things†¦show more content†¦People should all give up their privacy equally (Meeks, 2000). Even those who are in high authorities should be transparent about this. If the Police have the right to put surveillance to the public, then the public should also have the same right over these authorities (Meeks, 2000). In that case, government officials and high authorities would be obliged to respect such right for everybody. Privacy then would gain its ultimate protection. How? A very simple question would probably answer it. Whose government official, high authorities or rich people would agree on putting their lives in the eyes of the public? None. It would actually trigger not to enact such surveillance to everybody resulting to protection of information privacy of all. Equality and transparency will address the problem of loss of privacy. If somebody wants you to share your information or get your personal d ata, a fair condition is a good idea to make (Meeks, 2000). He/she should do the same thing which he wanted you to do. In such way, it would be fair that both parties have agreed to share information intentionally. The deal would just be a â€Å"give and take†relationship. One should give, to gain something. The main purpose of the idea would be to avoid anyone to get private information from you as they would not agree to share theirs with you. Is it possible to redefine Privacy? It would actually be impossible to redefine privacy today. Privacy is simple as â€Å"it’s PRIVATE†. How would it beShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing The Risks That The Online Customers Go Through Online Shopping1051 Words  | 5 Pagespaper is to analyze the risks that the online customers go through online shopping and how they depend on the category of the product. Basically, the product category is differentiated to be two kinds of products- digital and non-digital. Based on previous researches, different researchers consider the perceived risks to be either unidimensional or multifaceted. In this paper, the multifaceted perceived risks [Bauer 1960] are considered. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Creating the Constitution - 978 Words
In engendering the Constitution, the states had several different reactions, including a rather defensive reaction, but supplementally a construal reaction. As a document that provided the laws of the land and the rights of its people. It directs its attention to the many quandaries in this country; it offered quite a challenge because the document lent itself to several views and interpretations, depending upon the individual reading it. It is pellucid that the founders’ perspectives as white, affluent or elite class, American citizens would play a role in the engenderment and implementation of The Constitution. On further analysis, most of the issues within the document were due to prodigious cultural, racial, and economic lifestyles that our country did and will perpetuate to fortify, as unintentional as it may be. This document lessened some of those issues and endeavored to accommodate the requests of all states. However, Elitist framers manipulated the conception of a constitution in order to bulwark their economic intrigues and the intrigues of their fellow white land and slave owning men by restricting the voices of women, slaves, indentured coadjutants and others. The Constitution that was engendered had a vigorous central regime and more impuissant state regimes. Under the Constitution, Congress was given the puissance to levy taxes, regulate trade between the states, raise an army, control interstate commerce, and more. A three-branch regime was establishedShow MoreRelatedEssay on Creating the Constitution 2108 Words  | 9 Pagesgovernments’ only concern. The strong structure of a government can only promote strong commercial growth and prosperity (Constitution). The Anti-Federalist, who oppose the governments full induction and running of the lives and functioning of each state, desiring to create a framework that will eventually promote discord on a potentially catastrophic level. They believe the Constitution only supports the wealthy; that it suppresses liberty and the rights of man, (Anti-Federalists versus Federalists 1)Read MoreHow Far the Weimar Constitution Can Be Described as Creating an Effective Democracy980 Words  | 4 PagesHow Far the Weimar Constitution Can Be Described as Creating an Effective Democracy For the first time in the history of Germany, the state was a democratic republic. The constitution was something of a fragile experiment, a guinea pig. Theoretically speaking, the Weimar Constitution could be described as the most democratic constitution the world has ever laid eyes upon, in practice, things were not as clear. Germany was to be a â€Å"Federal State,†with each â€Å"LanderRead MoreDemocracy Is A Type Of Government System1498 Words  | 6 PagesIn the creating of the constitution, America wanted their independence. When creating the constitution in 1787-1788, did not the people first start the idea? 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He also explains what should be changed to improve it. In chapter 2, Dahl begins explaining about the Framers of the constitution who had the task of basically creating a new government that combated all of the problemsRead MoreThe Tension That Exists Between Democratic Governance And1723 Words  | 7 Pagesas an oxymoron a person can argue that a constitution by its very nature restrains and divides power, however, a democracy implies that the power be ultimately a unified and unconstrained exercise of power by the people who a democracy represents. The people in a democracy decide what the power will do and how it will do it, yet a constitution actually limits the power in various ways. A constitution will limit what a democratic government can do by creating right for the people. These rights, in theRead More The Strategies The Meiji Government Used to Achieve Economic Development613 Words  | 3 Pages1880s created both an institutional and constitution structure that allowed Japan in the coming decades to be a stabile and industrializing country. Two major policies and strategies that reinforced stability and economic modernization in Japan were the creation of a national public education system and the ratification of the Meiji constitution. Both these aided in stability and thus economic growth. The creation of a national education system aided in creating stability because it indoctrinated youthRead MoreEssay about The Constitution as A Democratic Document938 Words  | 4 PagesUpon the opening words of the Constitution, We the PeopleÂ…do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America, one must ask, who are these people? While the American Constitution provided its citizens with individual rights, many members were excluded. Elite framers manipulated the idea of a constitution in order to protect their economic interests and the interests of their fellow ‘white land and slave owning men by restricting the voices of women, slaves, indentured servantsRead MoreThe Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Articles Of Confederation1425 Words  | 6 Pagesweaknesses and later showed the fragility in having a weak central government leading the country to eventually â€Å"revise†the articles ( more like just tossed it out the door) and created the Constitution that many of us know today. The Articles of Confederation were written at a time of war and a frenzy of constitution making among the states broke out, some gearing towards democracy like the colonists wanted, others towards republics like the elites wanted. In doing this, it created a division among
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Positive Effects of Technology on Education Free Essays
One of the greatest areas in which technology has the potential to benefit education is its role in being a catalyst for change in educational pedagogy. Research shows that student centered, constructivist approaches to education lead to better achievement in testing and preparing students with the skills necessary in the modern workplace. A study done in Turkey found that students who learned in a classroom showed greater cooperation and collaboration, higher levels of learning, more confidence, and more willingness to participate in learning activities (Erdamar, 2008). We will write a custom essay sample on The Positive Effects of Technology on Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now Other studies have found that student centered learning leads to better performance on tests and better retention of knowledge immediately after learning as well as 30 days after learning (Karaduman, 2002). Future workplace will require students to have skills related to technology, including the technical ability. These technical skills are not enough. Today’s workplace requires that one has less tangible skills, including the ability to collaborate, interpersonal skills, creativity, and problem solving skills, to name a few. Technology, combined with a student centered, constructivist mode of learning, has the potential to provide students with higher-level cognitive and interpersonal skills (Koller, Harvey ; Magnotta, 2001). Scholastic and the Bill ; Melinda Gates Foundation (2012) found that teachers need more tangible learning resources such as instructional materials workbooks, technology, software programs, textbooks, and mixed media. Teachers say also that they need support to help them learn best practices and strategies for differentiation of instruction to address individual student learning needs. They want to learn teaching practices that instruct and engage students in the best possible ways. Lastly, teachers say that professional learning has a strong or very strong impact on student achievement (Killion, 2012). Technology does not revolutionize education, but rather the way in which it is used by teachers and students. Seemingly, it is not advisable to change current classroom practices of teachers abruptly without giving enough time to get used to the presence and utilization of technology as an instructional aid. For teachers to adopt technology as an instructional aid, they need to experience some degree of success with it. The experience will motivate them to make further and more effective instructional use. Transition from non-computer based instruction to an engaging computer-based learning environment should be gradual, smooth and well-planned. Subsequent training conducted in a timely fashion and support available, teachers will be able to make increasing instructional use of computers in the classroom (Jhurree, 2008). How to cite The Positive Effects of Technology on Education, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Information System Security of Data Breach in A Company - Samples
Question: Discuss about the Security of Data Breach in A Company. Answer: Introduction This report discusses about a case study of data breach in a company. There are various cyber-attacks reported all over the world. This has been a great threat to the companies in the word. A critical analysis of the case study has been provided in the report. The cause of the data breach has been provided with proper explanation. There are some recommendations provide for mitigating issues related to cyber-attacks. Discussion In 2013, Target Corporation Security and Payment System was breached. This had caused loss of 40 million credit and debit card numbers and 70 million addresses and phone numbers of the customers. This has caused a huge loss to the company and customers. The share market of the company had gone down drastically after this attack (Interactive, 2017). Malwares were installed on the security system of the company on November 15, 2013. The access to the system was stolen from an HVAC provider based in Sharpsburg, Penn (Mikhed Vogan, 2017). The comprised data was used for the electronic billing in the company, the hackers have hacked all this data and information that have caused a major threat to the company. As commented by Rosati et al., (2017), there are various causes of the attack. The lack of good security protocol was th main reason for this attack. The security of the system in the company was not good. The third party authentication was not enabled in the company (Garner, 2017). The HVAC unit was not responsible for the security of the system. The use of the bad designed software and lack of antivirus have put hand in the data breach (Scott, 2017). The cyber-attacks have been a common thing now all over the world. Therefore. There is a need of implementation of security measures in the systems of the company. Lessons Learnt The above discussion focuses upon the security breaches in an organization. The discussion have helped in understanding about the causes of the information security breaches. The use of the various strategies for mitigating the issues has been focused. Conclusion It can be concluded that the use of the security measures have helped in maintaining the security breaches in the company. The Target Corporation security has faced a data breach in the market. The use of the updated firewalls and antivirus might help in restricting dangerous virus and malwares from entering into the security system of the company. The firewalls will help in restricting the dangerous viruses and malwares from entering into the network of the company. The restriction for the third party interaction in the system reduces the risk of data breach in the company. The use of strong passwords might help in increasing the complexity of the access to the system of the company. The passwords must be eight characters long and combination of the letters and numbers. This makes complex to break the passwords. Therefore, these measures helps in improving the security of the company over the internet. References Garner, R. L. (2017). Evaluating Solutions to Cyber Attack Breaches of Health Data: How Enacting a Private Right of Action for Breach Victims Would Lower Costs.Ind. Health L. Rev.,14, 127. Mikhed, V., Vogan, M. (2017). How Data Breaches Affect Consumer Credit. Rosati, P., Cummins, M., Deeney, P., Gogolin, F., van der Werff, L., Lynn, T. (2017). The effect of data breach announcements beyond the stock price: Empirical evidence on market activity.International Review of Financial Analysis,49, 146-154. Scott, L. (2017). One Data Breach Each Day in 2016Another Reason Experts Say Focus on Cyber Risk Now. Interactive, C. (2017). Cyber Security Case Study: Target Data Breach. Cei.com. Retrieved 1 November 2017, from https://www.cei.com/about-cei/media-room/blog/cyber-security-targets-2013-data-breach
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